Just a hot minute too late for Swift 3.0, these two super-useful sequence methods have been implemented for Swift 3.1, and can be used right now on the development branch.
Let's take a look at what we can do with these functions. Suppose you have a list of messages in the chat section of your app, and you want to know how many messages users send before receiving a reply. You can think of each chat's list of messages in "chunks", with each chunk consisting of consecutive messages sent by a single user. How can we use prefix(while:)
and drop(while:)
to turn a single list of messages into these chunks?
(Spoiler: If you want an even nicer way to use these methods together, check out my follow-up post).
typealias User = String
struct Message {
let user: User
let text: String
func groupByUser(_ messages: [Message]) -> [[Message]] {
guard let firstMessage = messages.first, messages.count > 1 else {
return [messages]
let sameUserTest: (Message) -> Bool = {
$0.user == firstMessage.user
let firstGroup = Array(messages.prefix(while: sameUserTest))
let rest = Array(messages.drop(while: sameUserTest))
return [Array(firstGroup)] + groupByUser(Array(rest))
So we find the first message, and use prefix(while:)
to get all of the consecutive messages at the beginning of the array that have the same user as the first message. We then use drop(while:)
to drop those same elements, and return to us the rest of the list, which we pass back in to our function to continue grouping.
We can use it like this:
let messages = [
Message(user: "Achilles", text: "Hello? Hello?"),
Message(user: "Achilles", text: "How do you turn this thing on?"),
Message(user: "Tortoise", text: "I'm not quite sure, myself."),
Message(user: "Achilles", text: "Oh, Mr. T! What a nice surprise."),
Message(user: "Achilles", text: "I'm just trying out our dear friend the Crab's new message-transmission device."),
Message(user: "Achilles", text: "It can decode and display any kind of message, you know."),
Message(user: "Tortoise", text: "Yes, I dropped by Mr. Crab's house earlier and picked up the companion device."),
Message(user: "Tortoise", text: "I'm quite excited to try it out – I have a specially-encoded message for just this occasion. Here it comes...")
let grouped = groupByUser(messages)
grouped.forEach {
$0.forEach {
print($0, terminator: "\n")
Which results in the following output:
Message(user: "Achilles", text: "Hello? Hello?")
Message(user: "Achilles", text: "How do you turn this thing on?")
Message(user: "Tortoise", text: "I\'m not quite sure, myself.")
Message(user: "Achilles", text: "Oh, Mr. T! What a nice surprise.")
Message(user: "Achilles", text: "I\'m just trying out our dear friend the Crab\'s new message-transmission device.")
Message(user: "Achilles", text: "It can decode and display any kind of message, you know.")
Message(user: "Tortoise", text: "Yes, I dropped by Mr. Crab\'s house earlier and picked up the companion device.")
Message(user: "Tortoise", text: "I\'m quite excited to try it out – I have a specially-encoded message for just this occasion. Here it comes...")
Now we have the messages grouped into array "chunks" of consecutive messages by the same author. A quick map
and reduce
and we have the average length of these chunks:
let averageConsecutiveMessages = Float(grouped.map { $0.count }.reduce(0, +)) / Float(grouped.count)
// 1.6
Great, we've made use of these new sequence methods to get what we were looking for. Now, I wonder what the Tortoise's last message was…